Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Dinner for 2 - Lobster Risotto

Skipped the overcrowded and over priced Valentine's prix fix dinner out and did a special dinner at home.  Started with 4 raw oysters each from the Reel Seafood Company, they were fresh and delicious and came on a bed of ice and we opened a nice bottle of champagne.  Main course was lobster risotto served with roasted asparagus with red grapes and mixed green salad topped with roasted butternut squash, dried cranberries, toasted pignoli with a citrus vinaigrette. (all left over from earlier meals).

Lobster Risotto with Shitake Mushrooms and Tarragon

Risotto is my absolute favorite thing to make and eat and does not need a lot of added butter and heavy cream to make it delicious and creamy.  Once you have the basic technique mastered, you can make all kind of creative versions.  There is something really comforting about stirring the rice on the stove especially if you have a glass of wine at hand.

2 lobster tails (or 1 lobster)
1 medium onion diced
Olive Oil
1/2 cup arborio rice
White Wine
1 tsp melted butter
3/4 cup shitake mushrooms, stems removed
1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon
Chicken Broth
Parmesan Cheese

Poach the lobster in salted water, saving the poaching liquid.  Cool and cut the meat into chunks, add the butter and a squeeze of lemon, set aside.

In a large straight sided skillet saute the mushrooms in a little olive oil until lightly browned.  Remove and slice and reserve.

Saute the onions in the skillet until soft, add the rice and cook for a few minutes until a little bit toasted.  Add a good splash of white wine and cook until almost evaporated.  (I do this in advance and just park the rice until 40 minutes before we are ready to serve.)

Combine the lobster cooking liquid with chicken stock in equal parts for about 6 cups, heat to a slow simmer.  Put your stock pot on the rear burned behind the risotto pan and add about 1/2 cup of stock to the rice at a time, waiting for the liquid to absorb between additions.  This will take about 35 - 40 minutes for the rice to be cooked, keep tasting until the rice is tender and creamy.

Add the mushrooms, lobster and fresh tarragon.   Sprinkle a handful of Parmesan cheese and grate about 1/2 tsp lemon peel.   Season with salt and pepper if needed. (depends on how salty your broth is).  This made about 3 good sized portions (nice to have lobster risotto leftover! ).

Roasted Asparagus with Red Grapes

Nothing is easier... spray trimmed asparagus and red grapes with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and roast at 400 for about 10 - 15 minutes, depends on the thickness of the asparagus.

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