Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back to Counting Points...

Returned to Weight Watchers meeting on Monday, so am trying hard to create tasty meals that don't blow the point count!  Tuesday night we had sausage and peppers and Wednesday, chicken teriyaki.

Chicken Sausage and Peppers

Spray a skillet with olive oil, put in your raw chicken sausages and cover with about one inch of water.  Boil until the water evaporates, turning frequently, then let the sausage brown in the pan.  Saute sliced vidalia onion, red pepper and green pepper in a spray of olive oil in a oven proof casserole until soft.  Add a can of diced tomatoes, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper and bring to a boil.  Add the sausages, cover and place the pot in a 375 oven.  Bake for about 45 minutes.  Serve with whole wheat pasta.  4 ounces of chicken is 4 points and 1/2 cup of pasta is 2 points. The veggies are zero!

Chicken Teriyaki

Pound boneless chicken breats to about 1/2 inch thickness.  Season with Five Spice Powder then marinate in a mixture of bottled teriyaki sauce, minced garlic, grated fresh ginger and Chinese BBQ sauce (or whatever you have on hand).  Saute in a spray of olive oil until cooked through.  I served it with a little mango coconut sauce from Fresh Market that they use for their coconut shrimp, a salad with roasted asparagus and my favorite mashed cauliflower.

Mashed Cauliflower

Cut up a small head of a cauliflower into florets, bring to a boil with about a cup of chicken stock and simmer covered until really soft.  Drain excess broth and mash the cauliflower, add 1 cube of Laughing Cow cheese and mash until pretty smooth.  I usually use the Swiss flavor, then add a grating of fresh nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.  This time I tried the Chipolte Chile flavor and it gave it a nice kick!

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